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CHI 2013 Workshop

Teenagers are a unique but little studied user group within the field of Interaction Design. Current literature on methodologies for research with children predominantly focuses on working with younger age groups and leaves a distinct gap between this and research methodologies used with adults. The aim of the workshop is to bridge this gap by bringing together practitioners and academics that have developed and used novel methods for carrying out research with teenagers in the interactions design area. The workshop will also refine and develop existing methods, create new methods, foster new collaborations, and define new research agendas to grow the research and literature in this area.

Special Edition Journal

A special edition of the International Journal of Child Computer Interaction will follow on from this workshop.


Janet C Read, Dan Fitton & Matt Horton
University of Central Lancashire

Ole Iversen - Linda Little
Aarhus University - Northumbria University

© 2012 - Child Computer Interaction Group | design by Schuhe Tamaris